26 December, 2006

Version 0.6.7 beta 3

New beta 3 ( is ready.

Changes in this beta:
- Fixed title not refreshing bug
- Refresh from menu fixes the title (if the above problem continues)
- About opens in new window
- Title scrolling when too long
- DoubleClick on title in MiniPlayer mode restores to normal window
- Customize title with radio station name - %r
- Removed setting to submit skipped traks. Always submit if played more than 2 minutes

12 December, 2006

More about the new notification window

New notification window was introduced in beta 2 of version 0.6.7 .

It is based on the single track view in Pandora, and looks and feels almost identical.
You can click track name, artist name and disc name. The affect will be the same as if you pressed the same links within Pandora.
You can move the notification window by pressing outside the text/links, but within the window.
The text is not scrolling and clicking on the album has no affect, yet.

10 December, 2006

Version 0.6.7 - beta 2

New version 0.6.7 beta is available.
You can download it here.

Some bugs were fixed.
Added Skype integration.
Added new notification window, that looks like single track view in Pandora.

Enjoy your music.