03 June, 2009

Version 0.7.0, the second beta

This version has only small chnages. The main reason for this release is the fact that Google Pages is shutting down, or more precisely migrating to Google Sites.

The core functionality of OpenPandora is based on a file hosted in Google Pages, so a new hosting for that file was needed, and there for an update for OpenPandora too.

I'm glad to inform that there is a new website based Google App Engine and it is located at http://getopenpandora.appspot.com. The move made a temporary problem for users of old versions, but the problem is fixed.
Sorry if you had any troubles.

Please upgrade to the current release at http://getopenpandora.appspot.com/download.


Unknown said...

Any idea when you'll have any bigger changes?

mrboring said...

Thanks for the update.

Thomas Marullo said...

Just sits on "Please wait, Pandora is loading..." screen for me.

gebbet said...

this version only scrobs manually to last.fm. songs do not appear on last.fm when the scrobbing option is set to auto.
i did not have this problem in the older versions. please respond if you have any kind of solution.
i tried un/reinstalling both last.fm and openpandora clients but it didn't help..

Anonymous said...

Yeah just sits at "Please wait, Pandora is loading..."
Not sure why.

Anonymous said...

Ignore my previous post--I just rebooted and it works fine. It might have been because I just installed a windows update.

gebbet said...

switched back to version 0.6.9, no more scrobbing problem.

Ian said...

Yes, I also have the auto-scrobbling problem. Any chance this can be fixed?

gebbet said...

i've uploaded 0.6.9, in case anyone want to switch back to get rid of scrobbing problem. unless there's a new version, it's the only solution i know of..


eitan said...

here is an official direct link to version 0.6.9: http://openpandora.googlecode.com/files/OpenPandora_0.6.9.zip

the fix will be available soon

Unknown said...

In my late night boredom, I noticed a typo, well more of a missed update.
In the download/features page, you say 'Customizable title with song, artist and radio station names'
You disabled the radio station option though.

Anonymous said...

Mine's working, but an error message pops up about scripts causing errors now.

sayeo said...

Thanks, this works perfectly for me. But sometimes its CPU usage in my Vista32 Business system stays in the high 30s... thoughts?

Anonymous said...

I also have problems with script errors. Otherwise everything seems to work fine.

Anonymous said...

A version for Slacker Radio please! OpenPandora is the only thing keeping me with Pandora. I'd love to move to Slacker though.

Anonymous said...

I had a problem with autoscrobbling to last.fm. But it works fine after reopening the application.

It doesnt seem to work the first time you enter info about last.fm username/passwd.

Anonymous said...

My taskbar options don't work. I can't "Like" the song, or play and pause. The options are all greyed out, except Open/Hide, Refresh, Settings, tools, websites, About and Exit.

Anonymous said...

I just posted the last comment. Ignore it please :-D I downloaded the newest version and now it works. Thought I was running the newest. Keep up the good work!

Gordon said...

In "Settings," under the "Control" tab, there is a still a "?" link to supposedly explain the global shortcuts. It still links to the old site. Fortunately the old site redirects to the new site. Unfortunately the new site does not have any documentation of the global shortcuts. I had to consult the Internet Archive to remember them.

Anonymous said...

i don't know if its my computer but when i try to like any song it asks for me to try again.
makes it way easier to listen to Pandora.
did you guys also make the not as good pandorabox

Anonymous said...

When using a proxy, if for some reason the proxy isn't working the application shuts down without letting me change the proxy settings.

It would be nice if it didn't simply close when things don't go its way so we can change the settings.

Will this behavior be fixed soon?

Adam said...

Is this program still supported?