05 December, 2008

OpenPandora 0.6.9 is ready (Official Pandora layout fix)

The official OpenPandora fix is ready.
Go get it from the download page.
Kudos to Kevin for his quick unofficial fix.

It's time make some changes to OpenPandora and make a complete rewrite.
More info will be posted later.

Update: The download is available again

Update2: The setup file hosting moved to Google Code


CvX! said...

Changes to OpenPandora are coming! Finally! :) That's great news!

Oh, and thanks for a quick fix! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for continuing this amazing project! I use this app every day!

I've noticed a bug in an older version however, which you may already know about, and may already be fixed in the update:

On windows xp pro sp3, when OpenPandora is running and a user tries to shut down/restart, the system will not close OpenPandora and will not shut down or restart.

Thanks again for this awesome app and if there is any way I can help in it's devellopment or testing please let me know.

Paul said...

Thanks for the quick fix! I love OpenPandora and use it often. One thing that I am having trouble with on the new version (0.6.9) is Last.fm scrobbling. It is not scrobbling even though my info is filled in and scrobbling is set to automatic. Is anyone else having issues with this?

Paul said...

Okay, after a little more poking around, it appears some tracks are scrobbling and some are not. This may actually be a Last.fm issue and not a OP issue. My wife and I are both scrobbling music at the same time and it may prevent scrobbling from 2 locations at once. Does anyone have any additional info on this? Maybe I will take this to the Last.fm forum. Thanks again.

Unknown said...

I would love to download it but apparently you have exceeded your bandwidth.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. It seems that the Multimedia Keyboard option does not work in this version though.

Anonymous said...

I can't find the sign in button. How do I sign into my pandora account?

Anonymous said...

bandwidth problem means no download for us ... when is this going to be fixed?

kevinmcr said...

To those who can't download the fix: the unofficial fix is still up here. I also just updated it to use a different URL for the events page so it gets the track playing information with the OpenPandora site down.

Matt said...

Can anyone put the official download up somewhere? Like skydrive.live.com or megaupload or any other dl service. NOT rapidshare.

And thank you SO much for fixing the problem!!

adoram said...

Eitan, Thank you for the quick fix and for OpenPandora, a wonderful companion to my work day, every day.

Anonymous said...

I second "can't sign in". The button's been removed since the latest update.

eitan said...

If you don't see signin button, you can signin in IE, close it and then open OP

Anonymous said...

A really handy feature to have,if you have some time,would be to auto-skip the "Are you still listening?" dialog that pops up after whatever time.Could be like a toggle checkmark in the system tray icon called "I'm always listening".

Zack said...

I'm a blind user of Open Pandora. (I find it quite a bit more accessible than the normal flash interface.)
That being said, I notice that the system tray icon's context menu doesn't seem to include options related to stations. I wonder if this is a known problem, or if I'm doing something wrong?
Any help would be appreciated.

eitan said...

This is a known problem. Working to fix this

Anonymous said...

Please build in Tor in the new version. Would be great.

Robert said...

First off, the app is great...really great! I agree with Mike, though, about adding an option for "I'm always listening". Is this something that can be done? Is it something you are willing to do or are there reasons why you wouldn't add it (legal, etc.). Just asking because I'm looking for a solution so I can stream 24/7 without interruption if I'd like to do so.

scott said...

In the popup notification, the Album name and Album Artwork are not displaying properly. Have you seen this problem before? Any idea what might be causing it?


Anonymous said...

For some reason, OpenPandora just crashes on me. It's the same wether I use the old version, the unofficial fix or the official fix...

It just will not work. I'm using SP3 with Vidalia (Since I'm outside the US) and it used to work before.

Anonymous said...


openpandora is already taken by another project (openpandora.org)

don't know legally what they could do, but so theres not any isses, i'd change your name to something else.

Anonymous said...

I could be wrong, but it it seems that this OpenPandora was around before the other one. There's a blog post here from March 2006, and the first speculation article about the other OpenPandora is from September of 2007.

Seems they should be the ones changing their names.

Scott: try the branch version. It works better for me.

Anonymous said...

When I try to log in to my Last.fm i type my pw which is kinda short and when i hit apply or anything it changes to like 10 asterisks and I can't login like it's replacing my pw with something else or something..

eitan said...

this is the correct behavior of that field.
try submit to last.fm

Anonymous said...

I've noticed when i go to shutdown my computer that openpandora keeps windows from shutting down. is this a known problem?

Anonymous said...

Ok, so the tracks are indeed scrobbling to last.fm even though I was confused about the login field. All good now :) Thanks again, and keep up the great work! I can't think of anything I would change about it, it's perfect and I've been using it forever.

Anonymous said...

this is a great little piece of software. Thanks!

Nik said...

As of February 10 2009 or so the play/pause, like it, hate it etc. portion of the context menu is shaded/doesn't work. Is this another Pandora layout change? If I double click the tray icon all functionality still works there just the context menu no longer does. BUT great work I love this app and it is the one guaranteed thing that I am ALWAYS running. Thanks.

CvX! said...

Yay, new 0.7 beta is available! http://code.google.com/p/openpandora/downloads/list

Tofu said...

Whenever i open openpandora it just says 'Please wait Pandora is loading...' and it doesn't actually load.
Works fine in IE and FF though...

Tofu said...

Nevermind, did a restart and now it works... Great app, thanks for making it!

Carlton said...

Having an issue, whenever I pause it, the tooltip doesn't update the name of the song/artist until restarting, and no more tracks are submitted to last.fm.

This is a repeatable event (XP, SP3).

Otherwise, works fantastically!

Carlton said...

UPDATE: when pausing for a bit, which cause the tooltip/last.fm not to update, can get it to work by right clicking icon and clicking Refresh.

Thanks for this great program!

Sean Lavery said...

The .7 version is horribly slow on both my systems, and even a friends system. It takes a long time for it to expand from the tray, and locks my system up a lot. The global keys take 4-20 seconds to respond.

.6.9 is much smoother and faster.

Anonymous said...

OpenPandora rocks...nuff said.